Monday, May 13, 2013


Hey Friends, its been a wild and fun time since I last wrote in this blog. I've done a lot of healing and a lot of growing since my last times sharing with you all. Since I reflected here I truly have met the woman of my dreams. Not only is she supportive & beautiful, she loves me for me and barely ever has a real problem with my way of survival free from the evils that took me to the lowest places in my history of being alive. After lifing myself from the ashes, her involvement in my life has taken me to the mountain top, from up here I can see the world around me and it is good, shapable and dreams are reachable from up here. I never want to leave this vantage point, and because of this, I want to Marry this woman. To have someone like her forever, is completely complete for me. In these ages gone from the blog I have accelerated my store with her help and support to being in a flea market to having a real jewelry store on main street in town. She is taking me places by boosting my morale and investing her all with me to places I never imagined I could go. I truly feel a need to marry this woman, she is my complete fullfillment in life.. I'm struggling in financially balancing a store, home, expenses in each and wanting to buy the best ring in the world to surprise and ask this woman to marry me. Having invested so much money in my emergency moving of my store to its new location, I am starting over at this goal of obtaining the symbol of love that so many ppl use today, an engagement ring. I can only imagine how good it will look on her finger when I get it, should she say yes. Until God strikes me with the good fortune or help to accomplish this goal, I believe that I'm meant to keep showing her ever other way I can that I love her that much. Some have debated that this is just a symbol or a title, that the ring means less than how I feel or she feels back, but I also agree that for decades men have been showing that ONE WOMAN they want to share their everything with, that they wish to do so with that oh so special ring. I've never been engaged before, I've never wanted to be until this year. Help me out with some prayers to make this happen, please and thanks. And of course I will always pray for your wishes.. tell me about them.