Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Spiritual Condition - Good, Poor, or Fit

August 10. Hello my friends, it's nice to be back on here & writing. I took a one week break from working on this project to just see how much of an impact it did & does have on my life as well as others. I heard little mention around me about the lack up entries & updates so I am assuming for now I am the minority in missing what goes on here. I definitely have noticed myself feeling a little more "bottled up" since having taken a break from writing. But every vacation has to come to an end, that is I plan to keep this project alive as long as I myself am. It's a genuine outlet for my family & good friends to see how I am doing any given day & also to see how spiritual growth can work in my life & theirs. It has always been the intention of this blog to show people that change is possible, staying the course is rewarding, and growth is inevitable so long as we continue to follow spiritual directions in our lives. I guess the main reason I took a break from this project this time was to determine a few things in my mind about my goals, relationships or lack there of, and to try & find some sober means in which to grow my social life a little. I cannot measure my level of accomplishment but I can say that despite some things not being as I would prefer I am alive, sober, & well for today. Thank you all who continue to listen, share, & follow my journey.

I thought that a fitting topic for my return to writing would be a person's "Spiritual Condition" & how it plays into our decisions, actions, and feelings. I have learned that someone who is spiritually fit & someone who is in good spritiual condition are two different things. A spiritually fit person can be put in situations or environments & survive these things without the risk or drinking or drugging & often times can survive emotionally draining events without much negative setbacks in their thinking or their routine in sobriety & spirituality. A person in good spiritual condition can often times stay on track while things are going well, but when something drastic happens their condition can worsen based on a negative environment or occurance in their life. They can go from waking up very well minded & with the best of intentions to later on battling in their mind, with their higher power, or against that first drink. This is because their spiritual condition had moved from Good to Worse as events unfolded that affect them directly or their immediate world. Sometimes this happens in reverse as well, a person in Poor or Fair "Spiritual Condition" can move from there to Good as positive events happen in their immediate lives. In the end though, spiritually unfit people cannot ensure how they will react or respond to something 100 percent of the time.

It is my relentless goal to gain spiritual fitness in as many areas of my life as possible, the more of these ares I can become "fit" in the greater chance I have at not only remaining sober the rest of my life, but also making the right decisions more often. A relationship today with my Higher Power has helped me greatly in growing spirtiually as well as surviving & recooperating from spirtiually challenging situations & events. A fair share of let downs & attacks have been thrown my way, some intentionally designed to see how low a person could get me, I am truly blessed to have survived these such thins Sober & safe to recover from the spiritual damage. That is how I know that I am not yet spiritually fit, because I have gotten beaten almost to the point of submission by some in an emotional arena. Part of that has to do with me allowing myself to be vulnerable to people who weren't very spiritual, the other had to do with work not yet done in my life. Today I like to believe I am a little better equipped to defend such attacks from such people & that few of them exist in my life, but you'd be suprised who can do wrong when their own spirits are tampered with. I hope to be an example to others one day, to not only refrain from casting the first blow to someone spirtiually, but to also refrain from taking fire in return should I be a target of someone else's lack of spiritual principles. After my nice long break from writing for the week, I have found that I am in a good spiritual place today. I was not though during my absence. This means that the tools I have been shown to use, like writing in this very emotional arena I call a blog, are all the more important to use. May my higher power help me use them to gain that image in the distance, one of myself & my world around me living in "Spiritual Fitness". Thanks for listening, we can all do ourselves a big favor in life and ask ourselves "What condition is my Spiritual Condition in Today?". Good Night.. Good Morning.. <3 Jimmy

1 comment:

  1. You were missed very much durning your break, Very Happy to see you back. We Love You


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