Monday, March 15, 2010

New Locks & Old Keys - Communication

Monday March 15th. Hey guys and girls. What a weekend. Business was the slowest it has ever been, but I am as convinced as ever about my business because although they weren't buying.. people were interested in everything new and in me. Sobriety has given me that genuine interest in my customers and I am finding that interest in return week after week as I grow. I am excited about alot of changes in the future, some that will allow my individual growth and ideas in the business to blossom and some that present new challenges. After the long and slow weekend I was hoping that Monday was a pick-up day. In alot of ways it has been, and I will just go over the day before I talk about the topic.

The morning was slow, I tried to catch up on some extra sleep and it backfired making me feel like junk most of the mid-day. Sometimes I think just getting up and going is better unless I have a huge night ahead. In any case after an early dinner and getting ready for meetings tonight I started to feel better & enjoyed some talk with mom for a few minutes. Out the door and 5 minutes late I made it to MARS group, to my suprise we had new guests from other groups in the area. I can only say that their contribution to the meeting was priceless and much appreciated and the topic was something I needed to hear. After wrapping up that great event I headed down to my home group for the last part of the meeting & to see my sponsor. We had a great talk & he even called later before he went to bed to make sure all was good in my life this week. Monday surely eneded up as a pick-up day. But I did have one problem, that through a solid solution, is getting better.

In our life we have many relationships. Friends, siblings, family, lovers, business, etc. There is many different unique parts to each of these relationships and even from person to person in the same class of relations. With all the different ways & planes we get along there is one common thing among them all. One key that opens old and new locks between two parties. That key is like a universal skeleton key, even if rusty, it somehow works to open things up for us all. Communication is the key I am talking about. Living with my parents after years being gone, it is a vital part of our co-existance and our growth together. Working with my sponsor & support group, I cannot achieve any form of growth without it. With customer's at my business, I cannot help them find what they seek, nor make them satisfied with my company without communicating. And in friendships, family, and love life tragedy awaits without me being able to communicate my wants, needs, and availability to meet their wants and needs.

I recently had been struggling to bridge a gap with someone in my life. They constantly assumed my availability to be slim because whenever they called I was keeping busy. In truth, because I did not call them saying I am free, they assumed I was not. So I would go on with other things to do. They were not communicating well, nor I. So a lock between us developed and it took a long overdue conversation with alot of explinations to overcome and unlock the potiential for us. This happens all to often in all areas of my life. Isolation, ignorance, and selfishness is alot to blame. As much as I try to live an open life, I often do not communicate to the ones who matter the most to me. Conscience of this, I make effort more than ever these days to communicate better.

Its not an easy task. That is to recognize your shortcomings, figure out whats missing, and implement it. But the truth is as far as communication goes, more is never bad and less is always harmful. If someone doesn't want communication they won't answer the phone, door, or find a way to "have to go". So the bottom line is that we all can try to communicate better, and those who recieve it as well as give it will all grow in their relationships. "Is communication valueable in your relationships? How many times has our ignorance, or not knowing something, been the root of our problem in a relationship? When communicating, do we realize honesty is the only effictive form of it?" Thanks for listening in, even though I rarely get feedback, I know my higher power is at least hearing these pages, and I am communicating there too.. All relationships deserve my effort, and yours, if we are to be the best we can. Try on.. Good Night. Good Morning... <3 Jimmy

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