Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Big Rock To Lean On - A Higher Power

March 25. Hey guys and dolls, happy that hump day is over? Wednesday was a fulfilling day for me. Got to help quite a few people out, helping myself in the process. Not for any gain, but a feeling of serenity that comes with it. A lazy first half of the day didn't produce much but the second half was productive. I got a dr's appointment out of the way and after that was able to help some friends. First my friend Kali, who needed a good meal, a talk, and a pack of cigarettes. After an hour of laughs we met up with another friend to head to a meeting he had not seen yet. It was a very emotional meeting with some deep and feeling-full parts to it. Some of the struggles others go through seem unbearable when we compare them to our own, and some of ours seem difficult to them as well. Its funny how the power above gives us just what we can chew on, nothing more, and when it is I see how its taken away quickly.

With everything difficult we face and often having no ability to solve these issues we somethimes just have to deal with them. Acceptance and trust are two big keys to learning to live with things that enter or leave our life suddenly. When we don't have time to emotionally prepare & the ones whom we lean on most are gone what is our rock? What is the solid thing that we can use to hold us up when life has taken our energy, our breath, and our will to go on? For me that rock is spirituality. Not just that, but a power greater than myself.. than anyone. I have a name for my higher power, but thats not what is important. The presence of one in my life, thats what matters.

Anyone who tries to romance or argue the specifics of what the higher power out there is, and what its name & purpose are is fighting a losing battle. Its not worth the efforts to embed specific beliefs into someone, most times you end up turning them off to the concept all together. Its also not worth to try and prove with science, logic, or history what should be sought as a power above. Why should we argue these points when there are so many living without a rock at all? The most important thing I can share with anyone is not a specific or an ideal, but the fact that regaurdless the higher power in my life IS and DOES exist.

Without it I would not be alive today, and if I were somehow my quality of life would not measure close to what it is now. I have serenity, not because questions are answered, but because I am at peace enough not to need them. I know so long as I believe and turn my will over, that a power greater than myself will lead me to water when a drink is necessary. I have not been let down yet, and for the miracles I have seen in my own life there is no shortage of belief. So what you believe is no difference to me, but if you do not your only fooling yourself. There is much to gain in confiding your life and will in that of something greater and more good then one's self.

When I do as it would do instead of what I would, the act and outcome both bring joy to my life. When I have faith and go on, the reward is more than before when it was absent in my life. We all can picture something stronger than ourselves.. physically, mentally, emotionally.. in all aspects. The reason we can picture it because we come across people and things in our life that quite frankly are better than us at these things. If person's can exist with greater realms of existance than ourselves, then there ought to be something greater than them let alone than ourselves. So when the chips are down, why not rely on that which is great, that which is good, that which prevails. My bet is that should I die tomorrow, life for others will go on. The power that resides over them and over life itself makes me rest easy knowing that. I can only be thankful that my higher power has given me today, and should I not get my tomorrows that life will continue for those I love & cherish. My rock, certainly that and MORE. Not only has it held me up today, but in my yesterdays it has lifted me up when fallen. To that great one out there, all my love.. may everyone in this world find you one day... Good Night.. Good Morning.. <3 Jimmy

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