Thursday, April 8, 2010

Play Your Position - Winning The Game

April 08. Hey all, we have made it through wednesday & I'm not shocked but grateful. I am glad that I have a program, people, & family in my life that understand the importance of God and the 12 steps in my life. Sometimes that means just understanding I have to take care of myself & my health, which I like to think are improving daily but not always. I did a small favor taking stuff up to the attic this morning for mom then tried to relax, I needed some real rest so I tried to use ear plugs they helped. I had dinner later in the day & got myself ready to head out to a meeting, the earlier part of the day I basically talked with a friend via phone text on & off. I got to the meeting already in session a few minutes, but no major loss I made the topic & to hear everyone share. I even spoke myself, the topic was gratitude, despite my current dissapointments I have much still to be grateful for.

After the meeting I tried to socialize a bit like last night, but unfortuantely most of my personal friends had left. I strayed into one "clique"'s conversation for a few minutes & then excused myself, saying goodbye to loose friends met through introductions in the past. I hopped in the car windows down & decided to enjoy the radio & ride through the beautiful warm night air. While driving tonight's topic came to me. Sort of like on a sports team, for us to have success at many or most things we have to "Play Our Position". If we don't certain things break down, or get by us and someone or something else can 'score against us'. Losing a game does not feel good when its the game of life's circumstances.

So I related to recent situations with people & things where I had to play my position. My position is what I have been taught or feel is right, what I am trying to accomplish, what I have faith in, etc. To win at sobriety I play the position of the student, I really must never know the answers and need to be willing to follow suggestions from those who have scored the goals I want to score myself. When newly sober I had to learn to play new positions on the gamefield of life, because the old positions I was playing allowed me to lose the game time and again. When we play our position, and its one we are sure that will work for us to win, we cannot move sometimes from that spot.

Basically I am saying sometimes people will want us to accept, do, or approve of certain conditions or things that will change the way we feel. If we allow it and don't stand our ground, staying in position, we are jeapordizing the game. We are jeapordizing our sobriety, spirituality, happiness, and overall ability to grow & win at life. So yes I have seen the struggles that teams and players have seen, but in life not in a sporting event. I've had to change my position to win, I've given up my position and lost many times before, and I've had to learn to stand my ground and play my position to win. Be inspired when you feel whats right will help you win at life, "Play Your Position". Thanks for listening to me today, Good Night.. Good Morning.. <3 Jimmy

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