Monday, May 10, 2010

How To Shrink Problems - More Is Less?

May 11. Its minutes before midnight as I start this entry, time ticking slowly into Tuesday morning. My monday was just a fine day in my life & I hope it was the same in all of yours. I have to say looking back that this project of a spiritual blog is not quite what I had imagined it to be upon its creation, but it has become exactly what it should be, an outlet for my Spiritual issues & discoveries & a place to share my strength, hope, & experience with others. There is on better way to start then with a recap of some better points in my day. A notable thing that made me happy today was actually getting motivated early, enjoying dinner while talking to mom, & getting out the door with enough time to not speed for an on-time arrival at MARS Group. Much to my suprise a great friend, my sponsor, made it to our group this evening. His presence at any function or meeting I attend gives me a sense that I am in the right place. We had a great meeting with many important topics to go around. Hearing others get sound advice for their struggles & release trapped up pain & emotions helps me. It teaches me what to do with my own problems & how to go about identifying the solutions offered by others with experience.

Other than stopping to socialize at the end of another meeting & going out for a coffee that ended my day thusfar. I got to enjoy a phone call from my sponsor & resisted enjoying talking to him so I could instead enjoy listening to him. Sometimes its difficult to do that, but the more I do it I grow spiritually. Unfortunately & fortunately at the same time I am not the center of the universe. Anything & everything does not pertain to me at any given moment. I can grow from becoming one with this concept, in a world of so many who are caught up in living for themselves its hard to see another's journey with sentimental eyes. Its difficult to listen without selfish ears, and difficult to speak without a selfish tongue. Who would have though that this would be an intimate concern & direction my life would take, who could have imagined it 10 months ago with drugs coursing through my veins & madness in my eyes.

It would do good to mention how allowing the focus to be on someone else makes our own problems weaker. They lose their strength on the spiritual stranglehold they capture us in. The longer we stay sober & giving to another's spiritual growth & development, the easier it becomes for us to work on our own. This does not mean we must solely focus on others, because reality says we begin this journey very spiritually sick. It instead means that in order to become spiritually well we must maintain a healthy balance of the two. The more I observe this necessary balance the better my life becomes. The more I give of myself to others in the many ways I can, the more my problems become less. More is less, more is more, less is more, less is less. I said that line not as a fact, but as a way to help us all focus on what is missing from our own personal equation. Where in that sentence do we stand on any given are of our life. What must we do to achieve that balance that gives way to spiritual wellness.

If we truly come to terms with the reality that life does not revolve around us, then we stand a chance at enjoying the fact that we can be a part of many great things that revolve around life, which includes ours as well as the countless others who we encounter. For me to be able to keep blanance in my life I personally must be Sober, because of my physical allergy to chemicals that causes compulsion & obsession which is a major part of my spiritual disease. I must be Spiritual & grow along such lines. I must work on myself to make improvements as a necessity to accomplish any of it. And finally I must offer my "improved self" to others in service, be that listening, talking to, or doing for another in need of my strength, hope, or experience in their life. One area where I struggle is learning that if I do not have the needed strength, hope, or experience another needs, I must be silent & at the same time be open to listen if open ears is all that person seeks at the moment. When the answers come or the person with them is clear I can always later direct them to the one who has them.

I hope you enjoyed reading this entry, it is something that continues to fascinate me & improve my life when I work at it. Like all valuable lessons in life, I have had to fail at this, succeed at this, and realize its importance & effictiveness for doing the work my higher power intended me to do. That work is to live a happy life, full of days spent improving myself to aid in improving other's days. What more can we ask for than happiness, warmth, & shelter from our worst enemy... mine being myself. I would love to hear other spiritual messages & experiences shared, you are always welcome to share with us all in the comments box. Please be inspired & inspire others, life is too short to not be. Good Night... Good Morning.. <3 Jimmy

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