Monday, June 7, 2010

Family Recovery - We Don't Do This Alone

June 07. A happy & peaceful monday night to you all, friends! I hope the week started well for everyone. I couldn't have asked for a better day, any 24 hours that I live without a drink or a drug is far better than my best day high or drunk. I am glad that I can see that today without a shadow of any doubt. It was officially my nephew's 5th birthday today & since I could not make his party yesterday because of work, I took him & his sister out for ice cream before my meeting tonight. They both had a great time & I think I enjoyed it more than them. There is no pleasure better than bringing pleasure to others, except maybe when everyone is happy with the results. After a great visit with them & big hugs it was time to go. I got to the meeting at MARS Group & our normal friend who runs the group was late, so I took the reins & started the meeting. Midway through the introductory readings she arrived & it was business as usual for the remainder of the meeting. Alot of good topics & solutions were discussed, in the end an educating & enlightening meeting for us all.

After that I stopped to see my sponsor & a few friends, dropped a guy off who needed a ride, and came home to my parents watching a movie about the woman who started Al-Anon. Seeing them watching it was a beautiful sight, the more awareness & education they have about alcoholism & how far it really reaches is very important. The disease does not just afflict the alcoholic, but the families, friends, employers, and all who encounter them on all levels. Some of the damage can never be fixed, but those who are open to learn more can also learn spiritually how to be forgiving, understanding, and do alot less enabling should a person fall victim again. It's so important that there be people out there spreading the word, not only to alcoholics, but to family & friends as well. The solutions do not only work in addict's life, but in all people's lives who will recieve them.

I am forever grateful for the founders of the 12 Step fellowships, those who started Al-Anon & the road of recovery for family & friends of alcoholics, and any who share the message of hope & strength with others. Without them many would be hopeless, because truth is if we are not alcoholic ourselves we at least know a few who are. Without understanding of the disease & how it works we cannot learn to forgive them as they recover, nor how to stop enabling them if they do not. The insight from programs that help families & friends have saved people from divorce, abuse, and from spiritual blockages in their life. It can change the whole perspective of things, almost opening the door to another dimension of understanding. How would it feel if we went through this world being understood by no one, but having no one else in advocacy of our situation, our composition, of anything that makes us who we are or were. We would have no reason for our poorest actions & no purpose for our best ones.

In recovery I have come to identify many in my life who are spiritually sick, alcoholic, co-dependant, or bear some form of spiritual hardships that make them less of the person they could, should, and want to be. It is through the many who carry the message to not only the sick & suffering but the family, friends, and others afflicted that make it possible to understand & heal along side the one's absorbed. So much clicks in my mind having an understanding of the why, how, and such causes for so many mistakes that not only I myself, but others have made in spiritual bankrupted moments in my life & theirs. I am so much happier today living sober & spiritual & so many others can be too. If we are willing to learn, accept, and apply spiritual principles as well as the lessons of truth about alcohlism & other spiritual diseases we can be happier than ever before with less than we've ever had. From the kitchens & living rooms of the homes of other addicts & alcoholics to the ears and eyes of the whole world.. carry that message with you to others. You never know who's life you may change for the better. Thanks. Good Night.. Good Morning.. <3 Jimmy

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