Monday, June 14, 2010

Truth & Honesty - Standing Up Spiritually

June 14. Hey everyone, hope your day was awesome. It was a good start to my week for the most part, monday is monday usually. I have been trapped in thought since last night about spiritual beliefs. Not my own, but others (some in high offices in government) that lie about their belief system, faith, & spiritual beliefs. I believe that a person needs not only honesty & truth, but passion for their beliefs. If they do not have that passion, they are not worth putting in an office to lead or oversee people. Those beliefs are something to stand up for, and tell where someone intends to lead the mass they are in charge of overseeing or directing. I personally have a faith & spiritual belief that I am passionate about. I do not specify what it is or jam it down anyone's throat on here, because being spiritual & the importance of a higher power is my objective here. If asked by anyone what my beliefs are, I will honestly & with passion explain that privately to them. If asked by the media (which I am not famous so that will not happen) I would be equally as honest & passionate there, regaurdless of the chance that it may affect an office I hold or am running for, or may people not like or support me.

You have to stand for something, or you will fall for anything. Spirituality & a higher power is what has not only saved, but shaped my life & its future. I can die tomorrow with a good feeling about where I am at in my spiritual life, although I wish to live longer to make it even better & share it with others who wish to hear it. The specifics are only important to someone who wants something to believe in & likes what I stand for as a person, at that point they might be willing to look at or adopt the beliefs I have, which are the same as many other great people in this world & history. The bottom line is though, BEING HONEST MATTERS. Truth is a way of spiritual light. We should not lie & say we are not alcoholic if we are. We should not say we are of one religious faith if we are truly rooted & convicted by another, just because its what will get us the popularity of people, power, or other incentives. Even at the risk of global disaster, the truth is far more important than deception, dishonesty, or what a person actually believes itself. That truth should be the fundamental basis of their spirituality & faith, in other words, they believe their faith to be the truth & are honest about what they are because of it.

I cannot tell a person what to believe, or make a specific faith look more attractive than another. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder afterall. But what I can do is always be honest, by example hopefully influencing others to stand up for what they believe. I know that persons of power & political ranking will never be influenced to be honest just because I am, but those people are probably untouchable by anyone in regaurds to spirituality because they most times are not humble. Those who are however make excellent leaders & use honesty & the truth as a way of winning their political battles. This all affects my sobriety directly, spirituality is the main component of what keeps me sober today. If I were to lie about my beliefs, I would not even be spiritual. If I were to play persons to be liked, in the end I will do no good for anyone, I must be liked for myself in truth & honestly who I am.

I didn't want to get overly involved with this topic because I am really strongly bothered by a specific instance of lies about one's beliefs, but I felt it necessary to talk about. We all must be sure of our beleifs to grow spiritually, whatever your beliefs are, be passionate. Be Honest. Be yourself & let people have the option to like or avoid you for who you are. Many people opt not to associate with me because I am sober & they are not. That is their choice & they know me for who I truly am & what I really believe to make that decision about me. Just like many people did not associate with me when I sold & used drugs, bought & abused alcohol. Those people did not want those things in or near their lives & in shame or out of selfish need for gains I lied about my being alcoholic/addicted. The same shame & selfishness causes persons to lie about their faith, beliefs, and spiritual lives. Because they want to fit in, they want a job or office, or their safety is threatened. My safety is second, my job can be replaced, and the only people I wish to lead are those wishing to follow, I WILL NEVER again represent myself falsely in faith or for what I am as I did in addiction. Today my spiritual motivation prohibits it. I will live & die as a spiritual person with my personal faith, which has given me the gift of life when I was all but dead. It has given me a higher power that is all too present in my life every second, more apparent sometimes than others. Those who cannot be honest lack what it takes to truly be spiritual or be sober, they are cowards. I have the right to say that, because I was one for over a decade. Thanks for listening, stay spiritual. Good Night... Good Morning... <3 Jimmy

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