Sunday, June 13, 2010

Thinking Positive - More Will Be Revealed

June 13. It's Sunday officially on the east coast & another day for me to learn something to grow from, one day at a time. Today was, like all weekends, a busy day for me. I ran my shop for the day & got out to go visit with some friends. It's great when you get to surround yourself by like minded people, it gives me the opportunity to check the condition my spiritual condition actually is in. By night time I stopped at an ice cream shop near my hometown to meet up with one more friend I haven't seen in a while. It was great to see that they were doing well & had removed alot of the stress in their life since we last spoke. My parents were out traveling to visit family so I only spoke to them by phone call, but a thought came to mind after I hung up with them. In the past, even in my first months of sobriety let alone my addiction, I could not trust myself to be left responsible with anyone else's home or things, let alone my own on top of it. The miracle of change is more evident than ever & it goes to show that life in a positive direction can re-establish so much trust, love, & capability.. perhaps more than it ever was before.

See before my recovery I did not have a devotion to a spiritual, sober, and positive way of thinking, living, and interacting with others. It all truly has to do with the 12 Steps & my higher power in my life, but in between the gaps, every second the clock ticks, there is something else at hand in my mind going on. Its the power of positive thinking, that all things will work out & what's happening is all for a reason. That reason I may never understand in some situations, but sometimes I do. It's promised in the fellowship that more will be revealed to us as we grow spiritually, and it truly is. So much has come to light that I would have never understood before, some assumed curses has proven to bring great things into my life as a result.

Some people cannot think this way, it's not a gift to see things positively, but it has to be a desired way of thought. If your relatively happy with your life without seeing this positive spin on all things, then you may never get to experience the blessing of seeing things with this perspective. I found that out for myself, my nearly decade & a half struggle with drugs & alcohol had made me unhappy & spiritually broken enough to seek out a new way of life. I found out to get that later, through the help of many other alcoholics & addicts, that if I wanted to change my living I had to change my "THINKING" first. Alcoholism & addiction is a thinking, spiritual, and physical disease so to change one I had to change all parts of it. The drugs & drink were only symptoms of the disease, not the actual cause, myself & my thinking were that cause. Today it feels great to have the miracle of sobriety in my life, so great that its hard not to have & share the positive perspective I have on all things. This doesn't mean I don't get sad, upset, or hurt when something seemingly bad happens to people in my life or to me, I do at times but with the understanding that more will be revealed. Most often something that helps me or others grow in some way. Thanks for blogging in. Good Night.. Good Morning.. <3 Jimmy

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