Monday, June 28, 2010

We Are Spiritual Beings On A Human Journey

June 28. Hello all my friends, I want to say I missed writing to everyone yesterday. I was exhausted & needed sleep after a long weekend. I like to write when I am focused & full of feelings, being tired is not one of my preffered feelings. Happy, Mad, Sad, Confused, those are all better feelings to write about & much better to feel than numbness like I did for over a decade. I wanted to tell how my day was in brief then share a wonderful message that I have adopted into my own life. I slept in & overslept from the long weekend. By the time I got to doing anything it was time to eat an early dinner & get ready for my monday MARS group. I could only spend a half hour there because back at my home group there was a celebration for two individuals, one who was there my earliest days in sobriety & another who came around to my home group shortly after I joined. The event was amazing & the speaker's words sparkled like gemstones. A true celebration for the 12 Steps & the fellowship, and a beautiful story that pricelessly relayed the hope that this & all things can work out if you are in the solution. I stayed around for a while to socialize afterwards then gave a young man a ride home. When I got home I got to spend some time with mom & dad, and that was Monday. All except this message I wanted to share. It is something that I have come to find is a reality as I grow in spiritual ways. Before sobriety I could not imagine, let alone understand this way of thinking. Today there is a new light though.

"We Are SPIRITUAL BEINGS on a HUMAN JOURNEY, not HUMAN BEINGS on a SPIRITUAL JOURNEY". That phrase the first time it was told to me did not mean much. I was sober, but still cleaning my mind out from the thick toxic fog that it had laid upon me. I was not yet in touch with the spirtiual life I was to persue later, and I had only had a few short spiritual moments after the primary one that shook me into searching for a sober solution in my life. But the author of this phrase must have had influence from a higher power, I believe the same higher power I have faith in was to credit. These words have been carried through ages of societies, dismissed by the scientific & embraced by the spirtiual. If they were not true I would not be living them today, for me & only me that is proof enough. For too many years I could not see this truth, or even comprehend it. That was all because of my alcoholism & my trapping myself in a human body & world. Had I never acted upon my spirtiual experiences that got & keep me sober today, my eyes may never have been opened to this journey I am on & I may have never crossed from the path of human life to the path of spiritual life.

See I was obsessed with human royalties & refreshments. Drugs made my body feel good, soothed my mind, and filled me with spirit that I could not experience on my own. That was because I was already trapped in the Human Experience. I had not and was not willing to give spirituality its well deserved time or room in my life because I didn't know what I was missing or how to get it even. So I was on a human journey from the day I turned a teenager & for the 14 following years. Small glimpses of chemical & physical joys would rule me, while the world around me had many who left this path & found a spiritual one. I was blind, from disease & ignorance, obsession & compulsion, childhood to an immature maturity. I never gave my life a chance to develop any spiritual footholds, I didn't even know they existed. When I felt like things were too tough, I drank to forget them, when I celebrated, I did drugs to reward myself. Never was there a spiritual side to my journey for all those years. Small spiritual connections still lived in me though, despite my unawareness.

My love & worries for my mother were because of a spiritual connection. As it was for the rest of my family. Those tiny spiritual existances were the cause for my feeling of guilt, shame, and unworthiness of a family so great. Trapped in a prison of human pleasures & escape from spiritual life altogther I was not able to see through the fog to the truth. That this life was not all about this human journey I had been on for so long. It was with the first miracle & the answer to my call for help that my eyes began to see differently. Over the course of months & through hearing the words repeatedly I finally became aware of the spiritual world around me. I could see what my human & diseased past was trying to keep me from. A higher power of my understanding & a world around me that was more than physical & chemical. Where in my heart & the spirit of others good deeds & good living amounted to more money & more affect than any chemcial or physical thin could bring me. I am by no means a strong man physically. I am pound for pound fit, but I am not the spectacle of human strength that many body builders & althetes are. That human power is noticable, it is visible & displayable to the human eyes. My spiritual life is too, but it is only visible by others who are spiritual.

Since beginning my spiritual life, since becoming a spiritual being, my life has changed so much. All for the better, when bad things happen today in my human life, my spiritual life corresponds to guide me through it. When my last breath goes, I believe my spirit will carry on, that is just my personal belief & I am only stating it to support my faith in spiritual being over human being. I was given a body, one that can be harmed or healed, taken care of or neglected. In the same sense I was given a spiritual body, one that could be ignored or embraced, taken care of or neglected. It is through living among the spiritual principles & suggestions that I have come to realize that I am indeed a Spiritual Being on a Human Journey.. not the other way around. Its because I live today free from the clutches of an incurable disease that I know my human body has been overpowered by my spiritual one. My remaining alcohlic thoughts & ways that exist without the drink itself are dealt with by my spiritual experiences & life. I can only get better so long as I remember that spirituality will keep me free from the human defects of character. I can live free of the prison that is the limits to the human body, and have an unlimited amount of joy & serenity through spending more time living spiritually & less time living for humanly gains. We can all do ourselves justice, by taking advantage of our human bodies, keeping them fit & healthy so that we may enjoy what so many others cannot see.. that is our spiritual life, where we must pour as much, if not more, energy into growing & living there as we do in our human bodies. One day this journey will be over & I look forward to a day when my spiritual life goes on.. wether it be in some other dimension of existance or through the many people I have touched & helped in human life. We can chose to walk on our feet through this human being life, or spread our wings & fly free in this spiritual being life. I am one convinced that I must live in the place of the spirit, and shed as much of the human shell as I can before I meet my day that I shed my body itself. Thanks for blogging in, Good Night.. Good Morning.. <3 Jimmy

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