Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Help From Others - How Necessary Is It?

July 27. Hello everybody, my big Fat Tuesday is almost over just under an hour to go. I hope all of you experienced a good day full of spirit & happiness. For those of you who didn't, there is an opportunity to try again tomorrow so long as our higher power lets us. I spent a good portion of the day recooperating from a long day yesterday. We had my Sober BBQ to celebrate spiritual & sober principles changing the lives of many. Some felt it was a celebration to commemerate my 1 Year sober, but I had dedicated the event entirely to the miracles of my higher power helping so many get & stay sober. There was a huge crowd, more than I had imagined & I got to see so many close friends & members of my support group & family. The event was an entire success that everyone said they absolutely loved & had a blast. For that I am grateful that my higher power blessed us with such a beautiful day & such beautiful people, I couldn't have done it without the help of that higher power. I spent so much time trying to be a good host & enjoying everyone's smiles & laughter that I didn't take much time to sit except for a few moments to each or have a cigarette in the shade. Because of that I am extremely sore today, but it was all so worth it. I would do it all over again tomorrow & take being twice as sore as the consequence just to see those smiles all over again. When the party ended we all headed to my home group meeting for 8pm, where my sponsor (celebrating 11 years) & myself and a friend celebrating our first year sober each got our coins.

The speaker was a good friend & man of integrity that I admire in the program of recovery. He is a step worker, a service to others, and a hell of a person with a good spirit to match. The meeting was a huge success as well & ended with cake & fellowship afterwards that was better than any I have seen. I was known in the past for knowing how to throw a good party, the illegal kind, but this was all a great party of the spiritual kind. Inspired by my higher power, I guess despite how much some things can change, some things will never change & I will always have a good mind for creating fun for others like parties & planning events. Maybe that skill will translate into a useful tool down the line in helping others, because we don't get sober to be bored or miserable, we do it to have fun & enjoy life. I slept alot come tuesday because I was very sore & tired from an almost 20+ hour day. Feeling alot better in the evening I decided to go to my usual Tuesday night meeting, the nice part was that this was the week we began the outside meetings under the pavilion. There is something spiritual about being outside in the open air, among the elements, birds & crickets chirping. Its a liberating & freeing feeling being there, the open air lead to very open conversation & a real topic of interest & help to me and many others.

I came back home afterwards, getting dinner on my way, because I have to rest for a long day of broadening my business opportunities tomorrow. I will be going to open a shop up at a new marketplace nearly an hour drive away & its open 12 hours, thankfully for the pilot run at doing this my mom is coming along to be of assistance to me. I couldn't do it without her for sure, like in sobriety, she & many others have been there for me to take the next step necessary to succeed in life. I think that makes a good segway into an important topic. "How necessary are others when we get sober or want to be spiritual?? They are extremely important, in fact it has been history that anyone who tries to do it on their own has mainly failed & eventually turned to another for help in doing this. In a world of self made business men/women & successful people at many things, it is not so much the same way in getting sober or learning spiritual living. We ultimately need someone to show us how to do it, having been programmed by some obscure disease called alcocholism. Most of us don't know where to begin & even if we can figure somethings out, we have no idea that a few failures will later turn into success if we keep doing whats required of us. It takes the ones who have successfully made it to a spiritual life to show us that the things we are trying that don't seem to work right away actually will in time.

It's a world where people often need "proof". Scientific, medical, physical, or in some kind of writing based on a professional's view on something. Needing proof just like everyone else, this is where we look to others to find it before we can experience it for ourselves. This makes it Absolutely Necessary For Others When We Get Sober Or Want To Be Spiritual . This is primarily because when we finally are burned out or in enough pain to try & stop, we feel we have tried everything & that we just cannot achieve it. From my own experience before starting my 12 Step recovery program & meeting its successful members, I had accepted the fact that I was created different with a disease that caused me to destroy my life over & over in serach of something to make me feel complete, all sought in a chemical fashion. I had tried so many ways to break the chemical obsession, the habbit & dependancy if you will, and nothing worked. Attempts at abstenance were thwarted in hours if not a few short days. I could not endure living with myself without them, it was too much pain to do so without something to escape it or numb it. I had accepted that I will either live the rest of my life that way & I will die from it at some point, either that or a miracle needed to happen. Because of other's helping me & a shot in the dark prayer to my higher power, that miracle did happen. I got the break I needed, an opportunity to work on my life building, a blueprint shown to me by others on how to do so, and a one day at a time/ one step at a time approach that was simple enough to follow so long as I was willing to be honest & try my hardest.

The success of my getting sober is directly because of the involvement of others, I am no self made man today, I never will be. That is because today I am a man of Sobriety & Spirituality. If I had chosen to stay in my old ways I could have been a self made junkie of no worldly worth or spiritual value to anyone or anything, including myself. The gratitude for me is endless in realizing that I had no clue on how to live spirtiually & without drinking or drugs. It's because of a few great people who have sober & spiritual lives that I have made it today, all put in my life by my higher power's will. There must be something great in store for me one day, perhaps to help others as I have been helped, or maybe something equally important. All I know that is if I continue to recognize the significance of others being in my life & continue to lean on them for strength, hope, and experience so I can build my life further from that, then I will end up being a winner in life just like them. A winner is not someone who has all the money, or gets all the girls in town, not someone who is the best at everything.. a winner is someone who does there best always, is willing to improve upon anything they can, is not afraid to take advice & follow the lead of others who have achieved greatness before him, and someone who has belief & trust in their higher power.. that all that happens is for a reason & all things are created to serve a purpose, even those that are percieved as bad contain some value to somebody. I pray that all who seek the spiritual path, and I hope that everyone does one day, that they will find that it is attainable & walkable through the help of others, with others. The highway to spiritual growth & recovery is a wide one, let us walk the broad highway together standing side by side, looking around for who can show us the next right step in our common direction.. spritiual & sober lives til death. Thanks for blogging in. Good Morning.. Good Night... <3 Jimmy

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